Tailored Training Tips!
Must-Know Behaviors for All Well-Mannered Dogs
Thou Shall Not Jump!
This video from will show you how to teach your dog to stop jumping on you and your guests.
Note: All dogs jump for a reason! They do it either to get your attention, they are over aroused or stressed, or they do it to get to your mouth to lick it (Yes, that is one reason why).
Note: All dogs jump for a reason! They do it either to get your attention, they are over aroused or stressed, or they do it to get to your mouth to lick it (Yes, that is one reason why).
More on Why Dogs Jump and How to Prevent It : Teach your dog to sit quietly for greetings, rather than jump on people.
Doorbell Mayhem!
This video from Victoria Stilwell discusses how to remedy a dog's hyperactivity when the doorbell rings.
How to "Mat" Train Your Dog: Go To Your Place, Please! (with minor distractions)
Click on the document below to see the steps outlining how to teach the dogs to learn “Place”.

5_steps_to_train_your_dog_to_mat_work.docx | |
File Size: | 15 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Teaching the Dogs to 'Take It' and 'Drop It'
Some dogs have a really hard time giving up objects. This can and should be prevented! In the video below, Victoria Stilwell shows you a really effective cue called "Take It" and "Drop It" to help the dogs learn how to overcome this "thieving" behavior. This is going to be a very important behavior that will come in handy when Sophie's toys and other items are laying out and about in the home. You and the dogs will need to perfect this well before the baby arrives!
How to teach a dog to COME WHEN CALLED
A potentially life saving skill that all dogs need to know is how to come when we call them. This video will show you:
- What you need to do to build a reliable "come"
- How to prevent a "game" of chase around the neighborhood
- What to do when they do not listen to your repeated requests to come to you
- How to prepare your dog to listen to "Come" around unexpected distractions
- What to do if your dog only comes halfway to you and then ignores you
How to Train your Dog to Listen to You From Far Away:
Teaching the 'Leave It' Cue
How to mentally prepare for, and perform best at your training sessions
Highlights of the video:
- Positive Attitude!
- Patience!
- Progress!
- Practice!
Hand Targeting
Targeting can be useful in many life situations and is a must-know tool! It also helps to increase the trust and bond between you and your dog!
- How (And Why) to Train Your Dog to Touch Your Hand (Please read this link before watching the video.)
Distraction Training!
Do they dogs go crazy or tune you out when you leave the house? Do they not pay attention when you are not right in front of them? It's easy for dogs to "behave" and do what we ask when there are no distractions, but what about the real world?!
It's important to practice (and perfect!) behaviors before you put your dog in a situation where there are tons of distractions!
In the video below, Zak George's Dog Training rEvolution shows you how to teach distraction training:
It's important to practice (and perfect!) behaviors before you put your dog in a situation where there are tons of distractions!
In the video below, Zak George's Dog Training rEvolution shows you how to teach distraction training:
How to Stop Unwanted Behavior and Get Your Dog's Attention!
(Teaching a "Positive Interrupter") Watch here.
Training with Treats on a Budget!
You don't have to spend your paycheck on the most expensive training treats. You can buy things that you like to eat, too!
You don't have to spend your paycheck on the most expensive training treats. You can buy things that you like to eat, too!
Some dogs just don't like even the most delicious treats so here's a way to train your dog using PLAY (if he/she enjoys play).
Understanding the Why's of Animal Behavior and Training