There's a world beyond physical appearances.
Energy Signatures of Earth Angels
Did you know ...? Every being on this planet has a unique energy fingerprint. Whether we are talking about wildlife, trees, or every being in-between, each person, plant, and pet has an energy signature. Whether they are still with us physically or whether they have transitioned into a new Life chapter, their energy signature is unique to them.
As people are more than they appear to be, companion animals are, too. "Pets" are not merely just pets. The ones who walk, trot, slither, crawl, soar, swim, and gallop next to us, while we walk the world a while, are divine beings hiding behind fur, feathers, hair, wool, scales, and all kinds of skins. Beyond the challenges we may experience with them, are perfect souls whose shifting energy offers us countless blessings in disguise
Their presence is a gift.
They have much to teach us.
Their greatest secrets are hiding in plain sight.
Their presence is a gift.
They have much to teach us.
Their greatest secrets are hiding in plain sight.
A Perfect Union
As we come to recognize our pets are not "just pets”, we come to deeply understand and appreciate who they truly are. We finally appreciate they are here masquerading as aspects of their true Self. They are physically here in soul-service to their people and this planet. Just as each person has a unique role to play, so do our companion animals.
There are no mistakes in who walks, trots, crawls, swims or soars alongside us. It’s all a perfect masterpiece; a divine alignment. And if we are awake and aware enough to watch, there is a wonderous unfolding of miracles and magic - occurring both in front of us and behind the scenes.✨ The ones who walk the world with us a while are here on purpose with their people.
There are no mistakes in who walks, trots, crawls, swims or soars alongside us. It’s all a perfect masterpiece; a divine alignment. And if we are awake and aware enough to watch, there is a wonderous unfolding of miracles and magic - occurring both in front of us and behind the scenes.✨ The ones who walk the world with us a while are here on purpose with their people.
Soul Signatures
When we explore Soul Signatures, we discover what was hiding in plain sight. We discover Who has been hiding behind the fur, feathers, scales, and skin. It is a fingerprint or noseprint of that person or pet. It is symbolic of what their perfect soul is choosing to embody in this current physical incarnation.
Vibrations of Colors
And because All is vibration, and Light-energy moves at different frequencies, each color offers a very specific intention of being. Each color has its own frequency vibration. Some colors corresponds to a particular chakra in the body. Others are the essence of what is beyond the body. Each color is not only an aspect of their unique Energy Signature of their soul, but the energy they embody is felt by their family when they are in alignment. This serves to support their person on an energetic and emotional level. Each Energy Signature unique; unlike no other.
Meaning of Colors
This particular animal companion's Energy Signature reflects four main energy colors: Rose pink, peach coral, soft yellow, and iridescent pearl. Three of this canine's Energy Signature colors are "in between" colors — reminding us of realities beyond our 3-dimensional experience.
These are two examples:
▫️Rose Pink is softness, gentleness, motherly unconditional love. It represents divine Feminine intuitive energy, self-acceptance, self-love, forgiveness, and non-judgement.
▫️Peach Coral is Spirit resonating within. This color resonates with Star Chakras. It is our angelic quality, the loving clear space within; our pure Spirit. It is the freedom of our inner spirit, attuning with Source and joining the Light. — A reminder that BEING who we are is enough.
These are two examples:
▫️Rose Pink is softness, gentleness, motherly unconditional love. It represents divine Feminine intuitive energy, self-acceptance, self-love, forgiveness, and non-judgement.
▫️Peach Coral is Spirit resonating within. This color resonates with Star Chakras. It is our angelic quality, the loving clear space within; our pure Spirit. It is the freedom of our inner spirit, attuning with Source and joining the Light. — A reminder that BEING who we are is enough.
But in the midst of challenges, we may not feel this way about ourselves or others. Yet the incredible beings covered in scales, fur, or feathers, are here to remind us of what we have forgotten. They are not in our life by happenstance. Their presence is quite purposeful. Whoever is in your life is uniquely aligned with you and for you. Right now.
Each Energy Signature Is Unique!
Conscious Companion can provide your family with a window to a world that is hiding in plain sight! Behind the physical appearance is an eternal being whose purpose is unique. Our one-of-a-kind art gives families a peek into who their pets really are. Each creation serves to highlight the unique energy of each person's animal companion, and the Soul lessons they are here to master and teach. This HeARTwork serves as a wondrous window into the souls who soar, trot, waddle and walk beside us!
What energy-colors could your animal companion embody?
What could he/she be bringing into your life through their soul essence?
What could he/she be bringing into your life through their soul essence?
When you are ready to discover your animal companion's unique Energy Signature, contact us.