The Empowered Path
The blending of science and spirituality is the work of the future. That future is now. - Amy Martin
Energy-based Consultations
Conscious Companion offers a variety of professional and confidential energy-based consultations. You can find these specialty consultations below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. This is physics. - Einstein
Energy Healing
Healing is a thought by which two minds perceive their oneness and become glad. - A Course in Miracles
Energy Healing is also called Energy Medicine by professional energy healing practitioners. This form of healing is really quite fascinating. Energy medicine research shows us that the body has a network of subtle energy fields composed of energetic particles. We are all made of energy particles that construct, energize,and sustain the molecules, atoms, and cells in our bodies. These particles can be adversely or positively influenced by our experiences; adverse effects eventually manifest in the body as disease or emotional/ behavioral disorders.
Energy medicine is a powerful tool that we can use to heal the body from these effects. This form of healing is both time-honored and new. The ancients have been using energy medicine techniques to heal, inspire, and protect. My Cherokee ancestors used them. My Irish ancestors used them. Now after years of learning from master teachers and master healers of Energy Medicine, I use the modern-day version of this kind of healing. This ancient yet contemporary practice has changed my life and the lives of our animal companions. This is why I practice these healing techniques today, and why I am so passionate about sharing them with you!
The Energy Medicine that I practice is a very advanced form of healing; it is not reiki, which is an outdated form of healing that relies on the practitioner to do the healing via their own body. As a modern energy healing practitioner, I understand the importance of how to be a conduit for divine healing. The energy itself does the healing; I am the healing practitioner, acting as both a conduit and witness. This kind of advanced energy medicine is safe because the body will only receive the energy that it needs to heal. I have been trained how to do this through Deborah King's LifeForce Energy Healing® program.
An animal's energy system consists of the Auric Layers, the Chakras, and the physical body. When performing energy healing or energy medicine by way of a chelation, we are clearing, balancing, and re-charging the energy field. By clearing the energy field, we are able to remove any blockages that may be effecting the flow of energy or that may progress into the physical body and cause illness, disease, and behavioral imbalances. It is a gentle yet profound process! Animal companions who receive energy healing often more at ease, healthier, and at peace.
Energy medicine is a powerful tool that we can use to heal the body from these effects. This form of healing is both time-honored and new. The ancients have been using energy medicine techniques to heal, inspire, and protect. My Cherokee ancestors used them. My Irish ancestors used them. Now after years of learning from master teachers and master healers of Energy Medicine, I use the modern-day version of this kind of healing. This ancient yet contemporary practice has changed my life and the lives of our animal companions. This is why I practice these healing techniques today, and why I am so passionate about sharing them with you!
The Energy Medicine that I practice is a very advanced form of healing; it is not reiki, which is an outdated form of healing that relies on the practitioner to do the healing via their own body. As a modern energy healing practitioner, I understand the importance of how to be a conduit for divine healing. The energy itself does the healing; I am the healing practitioner, acting as both a conduit and witness. This kind of advanced energy medicine is safe because the body will only receive the energy that it needs to heal. I have been trained how to do this through Deborah King's LifeForce Energy Healing® program.
An animal's energy system consists of the Auric Layers, the Chakras, and the physical body. When performing energy healing or energy medicine by way of a chelation, we are clearing, balancing, and re-charging the energy field. By clearing the energy field, we are able to remove any blockages that may be effecting the flow of energy or that may progress into the physical body and cause illness, disease, and behavioral imbalances. It is a gentle yet profound process! Animal companions who receive energy healing often more at ease, healthier, and at peace.
Chakra Check-Ups!
Science-based, force-free training and enrichment is only one part of the pet puzzle. That's why we check and balance chakras!
The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit language and it means "wheel," or vortex. 🌀 Chakras are energy centers. These are quite literally wheels of Light. Each chakra has its own corresponding color of light. All living beings have these. Dogs, cats, people, dolphins, parrots, horses, rats, frogs, you name it! If you're alive, you have chakras!
Most animals have 8 Major chakras, up to 21 Minor chakras, and 6 smaller energy points known as Bud chakras (paw pads & the bud of skin at the opening of the ears). The main Chakras govern responses to surrounding energy.
The 3 chakras found in the lower part of the body (root, sacral & solar plexus) govern basic survival needs. The four chakras in the upper body (heart, throat, third eye & crown) govern mental processes and connection to higher realms. Companion Animals have an 8th chakra that humans don't have: a brachial chakra.💫⚫️💫
The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit language and it means "wheel," or vortex. 🌀 Chakras are energy centers. These are quite literally wheels of Light. Each chakra has its own corresponding color of light. All living beings have these. Dogs, cats, people, dolphins, parrots, horses, rats, frogs, you name it! If you're alive, you have chakras!
Most animals have 8 Major chakras, up to 21 Minor chakras, and 6 smaller energy points known as Bud chakras (paw pads & the bud of skin at the opening of the ears). The main Chakras govern responses to surrounding energy.
The 3 chakras found in the lower part of the body (root, sacral & solar plexus) govern basic survival needs. The four chakras in the upper body (heart, throat, third eye & crown) govern mental processes and connection to higher realms. Companion Animals have an 8th chakra that humans don't have: a brachial chakra.💫⚫️💫
One of the easiest ways we can evaluate the current state of the Chakras is to use a pendulum. A pendulum is a simple device that helps to increase your sensitivity to the energy flow of each chakra; the pendulum acts as an amplifier. Advanced Energy Medicine Teachers do not recommend using crystals, stones to check chakras. The best pendulums for this purpose are made of beechwood, and are more pear shaped. The reason why is simple: The chakra energy fields are easily diffused, easily permeated, and also pear shaped. Contact us to learn more, and how YOU can learn to check your pet's chakras daily!
When chakras are open & balanced all is well within body & mind. BUT... when even one chakra is out of balance, it affects the entire system. Chakras are a window to wellness. Being aware of your pet's mental & physical health is vital, which is why we perform routine Chakra Checks! Each energy center reflects a different aspect of one's life and one's consciousness at that moment. When these energy centers flow smoothly, our animal companions feel vital and healthy. When they're blocked, they can feel stressed and off-balance.We see this manifest as emotional, behavioral, and/or medical issues. Learn how you can help your animal companion to reset and recharge their chakras to bring their emotions and body back into balance and harmony. Do you animal companions need a chakra check?
Bonus: All Chakra Check-up Clients receive one of Pet Prana's Pet Pendants!
Intuitive Readings
Intuition doesn't tell you what you want to hear; it tells you what you need to hear.― Sonia Choquette
Non-verbal, intuitive communication is as old as time. Our ancestors used this language with all life to commune with nature, and to live in harmony with other species. Today, those who lead a life steeped in deep, respectful relationship with animals and nature are able to tune into this kind of communication.
This kind of communication is actually an energy exchange, through the ability of Intuitive Insights Some refer to this kind of Intuitive Communication as "Telepathy"; a word comes from the Greek word (τῆλε) tele, meaning "distant" and (πάθος) pathos or -patheia, meaning "feeling, perception, passion, experience". You can think of "telepathy" as "feeling across distance."
This type of communication is not magical or woo-woo. It is merely the direct transmission of feelings, intentions, thoughts, mental images, emotions, impressions, sensations, and pure knowing from one being to another. Science has shown us how animals (and even plants!) communicate within their own species, and to other species through specific, complex language. But science has yet to show us something that we Intuitives know; all living beings can also communicate on another much deeper level.
With training and much practice, the human mind, heart, and body can becomes a finely tuned instrument and effectively receive energetic imprints from various sources, These messages can then be translated into recognizable thoughts, images, feelings, sounds, smells, and words. This kind of intuitive energy exchange between humans and other species of life is now commonly referred to as "Interspecies Communication".
As both an Intuitive and an Empath I have the ability to do this. I can connect very deeply to people, places, plants, and animals. I was born this way, but hid my gifts for many years; I was immersed in a world that did not honor this ability. Thankfully, as I matured in life and healed on my spiritual path these abilities were greatly enhanced. Eventually they became gifts I could no longer ignore.
I began to use my Intuitive abilities as a specialized tool to connect with animals and the Standing Ones. I am now a professional interspecies, multidimensional communicator. Throughout this time it has been my honor and great privilege to be the bridge between people and their animal companions. It is my honor and joy to assist others on their journey of together. Now I help others to learn how to tune into their natural abilities so they can receive invaluable information from their beloveds both here physically, and in Spirit.
I am not special. Many have the ability to use these skills if they are willing to learn how. Most people have either forgotten how or they have limiting beliefs that hinder this form of communication. Using intuition and our body and mind as a communication instrument is one way of deeply connecting with another living being. I call this form of communication, "Soul Speak". It's one powerful way of connecting your Soul to another's Soul. Through this communication you can gain insights far beyond our wildest dreams! And the best part is your connection to your animal companion will grow leaps and bounds! I do it every day with our animal companions, with nature, and The Standing Ones. It has been life-changing for me. Are you willing to learn what your beloveds have to share with you?
This kind of communication is actually an energy exchange, through the ability of Intuitive Insights Some refer to this kind of Intuitive Communication as "Telepathy"; a word comes from the Greek word (τῆλε) tele, meaning "distant" and (πάθος) pathos or -patheia, meaning "feeling, perception, passion, experience". You can think of "telepathy" as "feeling across distance."
This type of communication is not magical or woo-woo. It is merely the direct transmission of feelings, intentions, thoughts, mental images, emotions, impressions, sensations, and pure knowing from one being to another. Science has shown us how animals (and even plants!) communicate within their own species, and to other species through specific, complex language. But science has yet to show us something that we Intuitives know; all living beings can also communicate on another much deeper level.
With training and much practice, the human mind, heart, and body can becomes a finely tuned instrument and effectively receive energetic imprints from various sources, These messages can then be translated into recognizable thoughts, images, feelings, sounds, smells, and words. This kind of intuitive energy exchange between humans and other species of life is now commonly referred to as "Interspecies Communication".
As both an Intuitive and an Empath I have the ability to do this. I can connect very deeply to people, places, plants, and animals. I was born this way, but hid my gifts for many years; I was immersed in a world that did not honor this ability. Thankfully, as I matured in life and healed on my spiritual path these abilities were greatly enhanced. Eventually they became gifts I could no longer ignore.
I began to use my Intuitive abilities as a specialized tool to connect with animals and the Standing Ones. I am now a professional interspecies, multidimensional communicator. Throughout this time it has been my honor and great privilege to be the bridge between people and their animal companions. It is my honor and joy to assist others on their journey of together. Now I help others to learn how to tune into their natural abilities so they can receive invaluable information from their beloveds both here physically, and in Spirit.
I am not special. Many have the ability to use these skills if they are willing to learn how. Most people have either forgotten how or they have limiting beliefs that hinder this form of communication. Using intuition and our body and mind as a communication instrument is one way of deeply connecting with another living being. I call this form of communication, "Soul Speak". It's one powerful way of connecting your Soul to another's Soul. Through this communication you can gain insights far beyond our wildest dreams! And the best part is your connection to your animal companion will grow leaps and bounds! I do it every day with our animal companions, with nature, and The Standing Ones. It has been life-changing for me. Are you willing to learn what your beloveds have to share with you?
Our heart is the heartbeat of our intuition and innate wisdom.
The Body Code and Emotion Code
Most psychologists treat the mind as disembodied, a phenomenon with little or no connection to the physical body. Conversely, physicians treat the body with no regard to the mind or emotions. But the body and mind are not separate, and we cannot treat one without the other. ~ Dr. Candice Pert, Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine
The Emotion Code sheds light into the inner workings of the subconscious mind. Emotionally-charged events can become lodged in the body in the form of “trapped emotions”; emotional energies that literally inhabit your body. This can lead to a number of health and behavioral challenges.
The Emotion Code and the Body Code are healing tools to remove, clear, and assist the body and mind with healing on all levels - mind, body, and spirit. When these blockages are cleared and released, our animal companions can live a more harmonious life; emotional and physical challenges fade and they are able to live a more peaceful life!
A Time of Transition
The call of death is a call of love. Death can be sweet if we answer it in the affirmative, if we accept it as one of the great eternal forms of life and transformation. -Hermann Hesse
One of the most difficult challenges in this life is saying goodbye to a beloved animal companion. I have been there countless times. From endangered species that I cared for in captivity to a cherished family companion animal, I have said more goodbyes than I care to count.
But goodbye is not forever. There is no death; only a door to another realm. Here they no longer know fear, scarcity, pain, or suffering. They are truly at peace and they want this for us, too. Who our animal companions were in their physical body while they were here with us, is only a glimpse of Who they Are after they transition.
To an animal, death is not a word. It is unreal. It is an illusion. To animals, there is no death; there is only an awakening. There is only a returning home.
Our animal companions understand that death is nothing to fear. They know that death is a release. It is a return to their true Home. "Death" is freedom. Release. Expansion. It is all that their physical world withheld from them. It IS the only reality that gives them Life. It is a celebration of the soul. It is my honor and privilege to help you to both recognize when it's time to let them move on, and to learn what your beloved wants you to know once he/she is in Spirit. Our beloveds are always with us; just out of our awareness.
But goodbye is not forever. There is no death; only a door to another realm. Here they no longer know fear, scarcity, pain, or suffering. They are truly at peace and they want this for us, too. Who our animal companions were in their physical body while they were here with us, is only a glimpse of Who they Are after they transition.
To an animal, death is not a word. It is unreal. It is an illusion. To animals, there is no death; there is only an awakening. There is only a returning home.
Our animal companions understand that death is nothing to fear. They know that death is a release. It is a return to their true Home. "Death" is freedom. Release. Expansion. It is all that their physical world withheld from them. It IS the only reality that gives them Life. It is a celebration of the soul. It is my honor and privilege to help you to both recognize when it's time to let them move on, and to learn what your beloved wants you to know once he/she is in Spirit. Our beloveds are always with us; just out of our awareness.
“There are many levels of life which we cannot see and know, yet which certainly exist. There is a larger world, vast enough to include immortality ... Our spiritual natures belong to this larger world ... If death is apparently an outward fact, immortality is an inner certainty.” - M. Hall
Say no goodbyes to those we love,
Though they have passed from view.
Our mortal eyes seem not to see
The truth that our hearts do.
Love is of the spirit.
It exists beyond these shores.
And love still flows between us,
Now and forever more.
Note: This session is complimentary to all of my current behavior consultation clients.
Space Clearing
Our homes are mirrors of ourselves. Your home can be a place of renewal and hope. It can be a sanctuary within which you can retreat and recharge during the changing times, an oasis of peace amidst turmoil. Homes can be places of healing and regeneration. — Denise Linn, Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home
Have you ever entered a business or residence where you immediately felt uplifted? Have you ever walked into a room and the atmosphere felt draining or heavy?
These sensations that we experience are linked to the energy of the environment. All space has energy. Your home is not only physical material assembled for shelter, but every area of it – both solid or seemingly "empty" space – is composed of energy.
Energetically, everything that occurs within a space ripples out, similar to the effect of a stone dropped into the surface of a pond. The energy is "recorded" in the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, and other objects in that space. Repetitive thoughts and behaviors are deeply imprinted into these areas AND events charged with strong emotions are the most strongly imprinted.
Our energy and the energy of our animal companions affect one another; the two are not separate. My Cherokee ancestors knew this, and yours did, too. We have merely forgotten this fact. Animals are most sensitive to changes in any kind of energetic imbalance within their environment. This can be our energy, their home environment, or yours. Together we can create a healthy, thriving, sacred space! You can regain control of the energy in your home environment and your bodies by using specific tools and ancient techniques.
These sensations that we experience are linked to the energy of the environment. All space has energy. Your home is not only physical material assembled for shelter, but every area of it – both solid or seemingly "empty" space – is composed of energy.
Energetically, everything that occurs within a space ripples out, similar to the effect of a stone dropped into the surface of a pond. The energy is "recorded" in the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, and other objects in that space. Repetitive thoughts and behaviors are deeply imprinted into these areas AND events charged with strong emotions are the most strongly imprinted.
Our energy and the energy of our animal companions affect one another; the two are not separate. My Cherokee ancestors knew this, and yours did, too. We have merely forgotten this fact. Animals are most sensitive to changes in any kind of energetic imbalance within their environment. This can be our energy, their home environment, or yours. Together we can create a healthy, thriving, sacred space! You can regain control of the energy in your home environment and your bodies by using specific tools and ancient techniques.
Totem Animals , Animal Medicine, Spirit Animals
"Animal Totems are a part of natural shamanism that reconnects conscious human life with Nature and Spirit. It is a gentle yet powerful transcendental attunement that brings joy, peace and strength. When you call upon the power of an animal, you are asking to be drawn into harmony with that animal and its essence. Every animal has many lessons to impart and there is power in the wisdom of understanding that every living thing is a teacher that should be honored."
Do you know your guides?
Do you know your Power Animals?
Did you know that each of your chakras has a spirit animal associated with it?
Did you know that you can learn to "know" them and call upon them for the "medicine" they provide?
Every person (and every animal) has what we refer to as “professional” guides. These are "experts in the ether" who are available for each of us. They gladly offer guidance, wisdom, direction, strength, love, courage, or healing when we need it. These guides can vary greatly, and can change throughout our life chapters. Our Guides can range from a loved one or family member who has passed on. They can also be angels, deities, or another energetic being who has never been in human form. Guides can also be ascended masters, such as Mary Magdalene, Jesus, or Buddha.
These guides are here to help every one of us! Once we create a conscious connection to them, we can call upon them to help us in a particular field of study, a life endeavor, or a life challenge. They are our extended family. They are always willing and able to assist us. We just have to ask!
For some people and pets, their most powerful guides could be an animal. We refer to these guides as Totem Animals. A totem animal is Some animals are Spirit Guides helping both animals and people. They act as messengers from the Divine. They can show up in our lives at various times as inspiration, energy we can embody, a guide and a protector - not only for humans, but for our companion animals, too!
My Cherokee elders knew and taught that working with animal totems is not difficult but should be approached with reverence. That is why I have been certified in this sacred energy service. Together you can discover who your totem animals are and enhance your connection to them!
Do you know your Power Animals?
Did you know that each of your chakras has a spirit animal associated with it?
Did you know that you can learn to "know" them and call upon them for the "medicine" they provide?
Every person (and every animal) has what we refer to as “professional” guides. These are "experts in the ether" who are available for each of us. They gladly offer guidance, wisdom, direction, strength, love, courage, or healing when we need it. These guides can vary greatly, and can change throughout our life chapters. Our Guides can range from a loved one or family member who has passed on. They can also be angels, deities, or another energetic being who has never been in human form. Guides can also be ascended masters, such as Mary Magdalene, Jesus, or Buddha.
These guides are here to help every one of us! Once we create a conscious connection to them, we can call upon them to help us in a particular field of study, a life endeavor, or a life challenge. They are our extended family. They are always willing and able to assist us. We just have to ask!
For some people and pets, their most powerful guides could be an animal. We refer to these guides as Totem Animals. A totem animal is Some animals are Spirit Guides helping both animals and people. They act as messengers from the Divine. They can show up in our lives at various times as inspiration, energy we can embody, a guide and a protector - not only for humans, but for our companion animals, too!
My Cherokee elders knew and taught that working with animal totems is not difficult but should be approached with reverence. That is why I have been certified in this sacred energy service. Together you can discover who your totem animals are and enhance your connection to them!
“He could tell by the way animals walked that they were keeping time to some kind of music. Maybe it was the song in their own hearts that they walked to.” ― Laura Adams Armer, Waterless Mountain
Akashic Records: The Book of Life
Life is never against you because you are the one who is creating it.
― Akemi G, Why We Are Born: Remembering Our Purpose through the Akashic Records
Akasha (ākāśa आकाश) is the Sanskrit word for "aether" or "atmosphere". In the Nepali language, Akash (आकाश) means "sky" or "heaven". The Akashic Records are an energetic imprint of every thought, action, emotion, and experience that has ever occurred in the level of time and space. The Akashic Records is also understood as the imprint of all experiences of all lifetime in all realities.
Every spiritual tradition refers to this “book” in the fashion that fits their tradition. You and I are inscribed in this Book, which is also called the Akashic Records. Every living being is in here. This sacred "book" of records holds the lessons, plans, and intentions we have chosen; these are set in motion to experience the growth of our soul; they also show how these intentions and lessons are part of everything that’s occurring our lives. These records teach us that we all have a purpose.
I was a nonbeliever in these things for a very long time. But through diligent study and Energy Medicine School I learned otherwise. Through the Akashic records I learned my truth - more than once, actually. Now I know. And knowing these truths have changed my life for the better. Through the world-renowned and highly respected Deborah King Center, I have become a certified specialist in the Book of Life. Now I teach these insights to others who are willing to learn. It takes an open heart and open mind. Are you willing to see beyond the limited horizon?
Every spiritual tradition refers to this “book” in the fashion that fits their tradition. You and I are inscribed in this Book, which is also called the Akashic Records. Every living being is in here. This sacred "book" of records holds the lessons, plans, and intentions we have chosen; these are set in motion to experience the growth of our soul; they also show how these intentions and lessons are part of everything that’s occurring our lives. These records teach us that we all have a purpose.
I was a nonbeliever in these things for a very long time. But through diligent study and Energy Medicine School I learned otherwise. Through the Akashic records I learned my truth - more than once, actually. Now I know. And knowing these truths have changed my life for the better. Through the world-renowned and highly respected Deborah King Center, I have become a certified specialist in the Book of Life. Now I teach these insights to others who are willing to learn. It takes an open heart and open mind. Are you willing to see beyond the limited horizon?
Working with the Energies of Nature
To re-enchant nature is not merely to gain a new perspective for its integrity and well-being; it is to throw open the doors to a deeper level of existence.' ~ Alister E. McGrath
When was the last time you took a walk in the woods? Have you recently taken the time to smell the intoxicating scent of a freshly blooming rose? Can you remember what it felt like the last time you sank your feet into the sand? Have you ever hugged a tree?
Have you ever left the office, took off your shoes, and walked barefoot on the warm grass? Are you aware of how powerful and cleansing the ocean can be for your body, mind, and soul? When was the last time you allowed yourself to really experience the gift and healing of Mother Nature?
Today we are less connected to Mother Nature than ever before in human history. Our busy lifestyles and hectic schedules don't allow us the freedom to find rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation in nature. Yet that is exactly what we need.
Becoming more in tune with our Mother Earth is one of the most powerful tools we can use to develop a more fulfilling life, and a deeper connection with our animal companions. The good news is that t we have never lost our connection; we have forgotten how to engage it, or we have chosen to ignore it. When we fail to have reverence for nature, and connect with these energies we lose something valuable – our intimate connection with the All That Is.
Being able to access information and guidance from nature is one of life's greatest gifts. Over the years I have learned how to utilize the powerful and sacred messages from The Elementals and The Standing Ones. I invite you to learn how to REconnect to what nature has to offer all of us!
Have you ever left the office, took off your shoes, and walked barefoot on the warm grass? Are you aware of how powerful and cleansing the ocean can be for your body, mind, and soul? When was the last time you allowed yourself to really experience the gift and healing of Mother Nature?
Today we are less connected to Mother Nature than ever before in human history. Our busy lifestyles and hectic schedules don't allow us the freedom to find rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation in nature. Yet that is exactly what we need.
Becoming more in tune with our Mother Earth is one of the most powerful tools we can use to develop a more fulfilling life, and a deeper connection with our animal companions. The good news is that t we have never lost our connection; we have forgotten how to engage it, or we have chosen to ignore it. When we fail to have reverence for nature, and connect with these energies we lose something valuable – our intimate connection with the All That Is.
Being able to access information and guidance from nature is one of life's greatest gifts. Over the years I have learned how to utilize the powerful and sacred messages from The Elementals and The Standing Ones. I invite you to learn how to REconnect to what nature has to offer all of us!
Light Language
“The heart is a thousand-stringed instrument that can only be tuned with Love.” ― Hāfez-e Šīrāzī, The Gift
Light Language is the root of all languages. It is Universal Language that only can be understood with the Heart. It is spoken through the voice in forms of toning and singing but also expressed through writing, dance, and signing with hands. Light language enables one to receive and also transmit information from realms far beyond this time and place. It is a beneficial ascension tool that allows us to interact with our guidance team, nature, companion animals, and each other on a very deep soul level.
Light Language is a sacred and powerful gift. It is the expression of the Soul, the Higher Self, and the Guides that communicate through us. Light language allows us to communicate directly without the interference of the programmed human (ego) mind. Light Language allows the activation of light codes to assist with healing on all levels. Light language sounds and symbols hold unimaginable power; Codes of Light that act as keys to unlock doorways to the subconscious so that we can heal. Light language is used to transform our lives and the lives of our animal companions, for this is a language that is not unfamiliar to each of the animal species on Earth.
Light Language is a sacred and powerful gift. It is the expression of the Soul, the Higher Self, and the Guides that communicate through us. Light language allows us to communicate directly without the interference of the programmed human (ego) mind. Light Language allows the activation of light codes to assist with healing on all levels. Light language sounds and symbols hold unimaginable power; Codes of Light that act as keys to unlock doorways to the subconscious so that we can heal. Light language is used to transform our lives and the lives of our animal companions, for this is a language that is not unfamiliar to each of the animal species on Earth.
A shaman (modern term applied to spirit walkers of many traditions) works in liminal time and space. She is an edge walker, one who walks between the worlds. Her work is on the edge, as she has one foot in this world and one foot in the other. She travels between them walking the edge. She connects those of the spirit world with those of this one. Her work is to serve her tribe, to heal, to honor the people, to talk with the spirits, helping to keep life in balance and in harmony with all. - Deanne Quarrie, Adjunct Professor at Ocean Seminary College, and founder of Global Goddess
Conscious Companion compassionately adheres to the Code of Ethics for Interspecies Communicators.
You can read this statement here.
You can read this statement here.
NOTE: All services and workshops I offer are created to complement, not substitute for, medical (veterinary) care. Conscious Companion does not diagnose or treat any physical condition. Please consult your animal companion's healthcare practitioner if you have any medical concerns.